步驟1. 請ChatGPT協助建立貼圖角色 Please assist ChatGPT in establishing a sticker character

As a creative illustrator, I am currently crafting mood stickers for use in a social app. These artworks will feature a white background, with each image showcasing a [style] character. This [character] is the sole focus, embodying a specific [mood], and illustrating [pattern/action/adjective] poses. Above each image, please include a clear and complete English title, "Mood Keyword," ensuring no other text interferes with the visual impact. I will generate one image at a time.

範例: 請你扮演一位充滿創意的插畫師,正在創作使用在社群App的心情貼圖,這次的作品將以白色背景為基底的圖片,每張圖片中有一隻可愛的、漫畫風格的中國龍角色,這隻龍的角色需要體現出農曆新年的節日氣氛,展現喜慶和歡樂,龍的角色是唯一的焦點,並且展示出興奮的姿態,在每張圖片的上方,請加上清晰、完整的英文標題”2024”,確保沒有其他文本干擾視覺效果,每次只生成一張圖

步驟2. 建立第二張圖片 Create the second image.

Please continue to create the second mood sticker. This artwork will feature a white background, with a [style] dragon character as the central focus. The character needs to embody a [mood], and it should be the sole focus, showcasing a [adjective for the second action] pose. On the [left side] of each image, include a clear and complete English title, 'Mood Keyword,' ensuring no other text interferes with the visual impact. Generate one image at a time, please.

步驟3. 以此類推完成8~16張貼圖,如遇不喜歡的圖就繼續生成到滿意為止Continue in a similar manner to create stickers for images 8 ~16. If there's any dissatisfaction with a particular image, keep generating until satisfaction is achieved.

步驟4.利用貼圖App後製編輯,編輯完成即可上架,貼圖編輯軟體: After using a sticker app for post-production editing, once the editing is completed, you can proceed to publish. The sticker editing software used:



